To The Attentıon Of Our Internatıonal Students

Directorate General of Migration Management  has announced that “Foreigners appointment dates which are between 02nd of January 2017 and 08 th of February 2017 from e-residence application that you made to reside in Istanbul province are rescheduled. The appointments in those dates are set as between 08th of October 2016 and 25th of December 2016. Text messages or electronic mails will be sent to the applicants as soon as possible.

Within this scope, Officers of Directorate General of Migration Management will be in Istanbul University in 25th of October. All of our international students (Erasmus, Mevlana etc.) must be in the meeting room of Department of Student Affairs between 10.00-16.00 in 25/10/2016 Tuesday to get their residence permit.  (It is in #3


Please check link for required documents before the appoinntment.